Viles Foundation, Inc.

A 501(c)3 Non Profit Scholarship Foundation founded in 1959

New Application

  Matie Viles
Viles Foundation News

New and Renewal applicants: The deadline for applications for the 2025-2026 year is April 1, 2025. Applications must be postmarked by that date. ~Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has announced that 31 scholarships were awarded in May, 2024. These scholarships totaled 122,900.00. The 2025 scholarships will be announced in August, 2025.
~Viles Foundation, Inc.

New Mexico Highlands University selected Matie Viles and Ken and Sue Crimmins to co-name the new Student Residence hall on their campus. It is known as the "Matie Viles and Ken and Sue Crimmin Student Residence Hall". ~Viles Foundation, Inc.


New Application

The purpose of the Viles Foundation, Inc. is to offer educational assistance to orphaned and half orphaned children in San Miguel and Mora Counties, New Mexico. You may attend the university or college of your choice. There are no restrictions on the course of study that you wish to pursue. Viles Foundation, Inc. funds scholarships for a maximum of five years, or until a bachelors degree is attained.

You must attend a summer semester class at Luna Community college named "College Success". It is designed by Viles Foundation to assist you to prepare for college. The class meets for one hour a week. Luna will give you one hour course credit upon completion. The class must be attended to receive a Viles Foundation scholarship. Information about the class will be provided when you receive your scholarship.

Disbursement of the scholarship money is made directly to your college or university. The intended use of the money is to assist students with the purchase of books, payment of fees and other miscellaneous educational costs.

As a charitable organization that has been granting scholarships for sixty-six years, the Board of Directors of the Viles Foundation, Inc. is proud of each of the 1,250 students who have received scholarships. Thank you for your interest in the Viles Foundation, Inc. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Please tell us which school you attended:
Pecos High School

Mora High School

West Las Vegas High School

Robertson High School

Wagon Mound High School

What year will you be graduating from high school? 


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